Specialist Training Fund

A trainee in full time training in Ireland is eligible for €500 per year. The fund supports Trainee participation in relevant educational and training events, which are additional to the mandatory elements of training. Course fees, flights and hotel fees, books and equipment costs can be claimed via this fund. Claims can only be made for courses/equipment paid by you in the current training year (July to July). Please submit claims for this fund to (paulakavanagh@rcsi.ie)

In order to submit claims to this fund:

  1. Please submit a Specialist Training Fund Reimbursement Form (do ensure this form is signed by one of your Trainers), original receipts and copies of your certificates of attendance (if required).
  2. If all your paperwork is in order your claim will be processed and sent to the Finance Department.
  3. Payments are processed within six weeks approximately. Please note applications not in good order will delay reimbursement.

All required details and information can be found on the application form HERE
Further guidance on this fund is available HERE
